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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Does Your Inbox Feed Your Money Fear?

by Joyce Shafer

Why do you sign up for some of the emails you do? Maybe you're motivated by curiosity; maybe your motivation is something else, something it's time to delete or reframe.

If your focus is on what you can do to create your desired level of success (meaning, at this moment, you don't have a clue) or how to meet monthly expenses, struggle has become a tenant in your life. However, you don't have to allow it squatter's rights.

Struggle comes from trying to figure out what to do rather than who you are.

If you were able to remove any reason to have any money concerns . . . like lifting a lid off of a container . . . what would you find there? Who would you be? How would you be? What would you focus on being or doing? Let me be clear: aim to make as much money as will allow you the freedom you desire.

You can tell a lot about how much money-struggle energy you have if you look at what you opt-in to receive via your inbox.

If you're an information-hound (innately curious), have fun.

If you're an Internet guru (or wannabe) and want to know everything that's going on, sign up to receive as much as you like, or can keep up with.

If you're looking for your success path and have no clue, research anything that might assist you. Explore the one(s) you resonate with. If something doesn't feel right for you, say "Next!"

If you know your path and are on it, even if you're just getting started, you might want any information that can help you do what you do even better.

If you're desperate to change your financial situation, you may sign up for many or any "Flashy Thing" you learn about (Thank you, Marnie Pehrson, for such an appropriate term!). If you are not an Internet guru and have zero desire to become one, not even at the kindergarten level, maybe exercise some caution before you jump in too quickly on an offer that makes big promises. If the Flashy Thing isn't going to make you pop out of bed like toast every morning (no matter what the promises are), is this what you really want to do with your time and energy (and money)? (Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, got rid of it.) You can tell when something feels really right for you, yes?

I'm a person who's always been curious, so tend towards, "Hmm . . . wonder what that's about?" and sign up to receive loads of emails. If you do anything similar, it doesn't take long to weed out which ones to keep and which ones to let go of.

Pay attention to email subject line hooks and content, particularly ones that have to do with lack and fear. Whether you believe in positive mental attitude or law of attraction, or not, when you see lack and fear words used to capture you, ask yourself if that's the mental food you want to consume. Why is this important? Go ahead . . . say it; you do know: you are what you "feed" yourself.

Watch or reframe self-talk. When your attention is captured by a subject line or email content, do you think you need what's offered because you're not doing something right or are a failure, or do you wonder if this might assist you to expand or enhance or do something even better? Feed yourself what nurtures you: positive reinforcement and belief in self.

Back to the question at the beginning: if you remove money concerns (and, maybe, obsessions), who are you?

About Joyce Shafer
Joyce Shafer ( is a Life Coach, author, and creator of Reinvent Yourself, a life and business coaching program. This program is NOT for individuals who buy into Struggle as a way of life. Details at (free empowerment tools and newsletter). Her books and e-books are available at and discounted at her Web Store.

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