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Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to Attract More Success

How to Attract More Success

by Laura Burkey

Think and Grow Rich author Napoleon Hill said, "Your big opportunity may be right where you are now."

And comedian Milton Berle stated, "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door".

And some brilliant 'Unknown Author" uttered, "Every day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending".

"Opportunity doesn't just come to anyone at anytime ya know?"

Right, that one is mine. Was mine. My amazingly optimistic and inspiring quote for far too long (and dull) a period in my life.

Yes, I used to think Opportunity was something that already existed and I would either be lucky to 'get a hold of it' or unlucky to have it 'pass me by'. I also used to think that other (more important and bigger) people had the 'special privilege card' to create any opportunity they wanted while poor little me only got to hope and wait for it to present itself (and choose me). And, if opportunity ever did present itself to me, then I would surely have to jump through some tailor-made-for-failure hoops that would prove my inability and unworthiness.

Boy was life fun then. The angst, the frustration, the unbelievable waste of time ... and opportunity! Geeeeez ... those days of living were an exhausting roller coaster ride for me, for sure.

"There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there's only scarcity of resolve to make it happen." Wayne Dyer

If you will absorb the message of this article willingly, fully and completely, happier days are ahead for you - for sure!! Because, what I have come to know, and now live completely, is that opportunity is mine to create. Opportunity is also YOURS to create and have.

Opportunity is for EVERYONE. Rich, poor, young, old, tall, short, east coast, west coast, Ivy league, or community college,......none of that matters!! None of it!! Opportunity is something that YOU and I have the power to make, right here, right now, however we want it. And the people who know this best, are those who choose to believe it and DO IT.
But How? How do you create opportunity? How do you push past the naysayers and critics? How do you take the want, idea, passion or wish and make it into something real? Heck, how do you take the very first single action?

Lots of ways to be sure. For every cool idea (dream) out there living and breathing in all its full glory, there is a unique path, formula and 'way' that brought it to reality. There are books, seminars, workshops, and websites that will tell you how exactly you can create your opportunity. But the one thing that any program or method is going to teach you is that you have to BELIEVE and you have to take ACTION.

Can you do that? Believe and take and action. Because, that, in a nutshell, is pretty much it.

For me, this has become my formula for creating opportunity in my life:

I start with my great IDEA (note: it is always one that serves others), plus

I BELIEVE that I can do this (I decide to commit a high level of conviction to my ability that I can create and achieve this) "I am doing this!", plus

I take ACTION (immediate, itsy-bitsy (at first) and then consistent and supporting actions). Actions that I believe make sense to the ultimate design of my dream.

That is what works for me, pretty much all of the time.

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more. Tony Robbins

For so many years, I had gotten it backwards. I used to think opportunity was about me 'getting' something. Me winning some big lucky prize. But now, I understand and see it very differently. Opportunity is really about 'giving'. Giving something of value. Giving something I care deeply about. Simply, Giving.

When you switch your aim or focus to wanting to give instead of wanting to receive, I assure you, Opportunity will not leave you alone.

About Laura Burkey
Master Certified Coach with over 20 years experience in the field of Interpersonal Communications and Success Psychology. Laura's primary approach in her coaching work with individuals and couples is removing outdated and ineffective thinking/behaviors -- and re-prgramming or installing cleaner, more efficient THINKING PROGRAMS (and patterns).
Laura is the founder and creator of:
The Coach Master Skill Group (2001)
Outrageously Possible (Group Coaching Series)
Intentional Relating - Couples Communication Coaching


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