You Get What You Pay With
by Joyce Shafer
Weeks back, I wrote I'd recognized that joy is my currency. This week, it became clear to me that since we exist in a realm of polarities, the other side of that "coin" should be considered, as well.
In the quantum field (the Marshall Field's of our reality), you get what you pay with, rather than for. If you have joy in your wallet, you're allowed on the floors where joy procures joyous outcomes. If fear is in your wallet, you must go to the floors that provide fear-based outcomes.
Though this incredible store has unlimited selections for shoppers, the Q.F.'s policy is quite strict about which currency buys what. It's as though the currencies for joy and fear are minted on different coinage, and the slots you place them in don't accept the other, and is why the floors are kept separate.
If your attitude about and motivation for taking action is based on enthusiasm, a sense of fun and adventure, and a belief that outcomes are always in your best interest, you'll find a large assortment of experiences and outcomes to choose from on the Joy floor. I don't need to describe what you find on the Fear floor, I bet you've shopped on that floor a few times, as well.
This came to me when I realized I was focused on an outcome I didn't want (fear-based) rather than the one I choose. I had to look at my core emotionally-charged feelings (my currency) so I can shop on the floor for items I prefer.
We're so practiced at shopping on the Fear floor, it can feel like pie-in-the-sky to shift our thinking so we can get the elevator door to open on the Joy floor (you cannot fool the quantum field about your currency). Let me ask you: If it works for one floor, why would we believe it wouldn't work for the other?
For me, the quickest and easiest way I can get to where I must be about my current situation (shift happens) is to agree to see it as an adventure. It's like stating to the larger consciousness, "These are the experiences I choose to have. Since you're the events planner par excellence, I entrust the How, Where, When, and Who to you." Since I've seen how well this works repeatedly throughout my lifetime, I may not know where this jet will land, but I know it's going to be even more fabulous than if I'd said, "Send me to Fiji." If the Events Planner knows what overall experience I truly choose, because I'm clear about my intention, and knows that Paris is where it's happening, isn't it better I land in Paris?
There is a time and place to sit with limiting or fear-based thoughts and turn them around. That can take a bit of time, and sometimes we wish to shift a bit faster than that. We can recognize that we have such core thoughts and choose not to dwell on them. We can trust that if we agree to let go of our attachment to those core thoughts and step into the thoughts described in the above paragraph, we'll feel more of what we prefer, sooner. It also immediately shifts the currency we shop with and puts us on the right floor. It's up to us.
Well, here's the elevator. The doors are open and we can step inside. Which floor, please?
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