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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Heal Your Soul With Emotional Support to Attract Your Hearts Desires

by Michelle Casto

There are two parts of you--- an ego and your soul.

The ego is the false you, a mask constructed to help get your emotional needs met. Based on feedback from other egos, you create a persona that is likeable and acceptable to others.Your soul is your true essence, and this part of you is unlimited, original and eternal. Your soul is here to express itself and to shine brightly and radiantly, despite what other egos might think.As we march into 2008, which holds the promise of every great thing, you are at a choice point.
How do you choose which path to take the lower, boring, mediocre road or the higher, exciting and divine road?Perhaps you reflect back over your life and realize how much more happiness, success, love, and peace you could have experienced if you had thought or acted with a higher consciousness.

Maybe you look ahead and have big dreams that you secretly wish to accomplish but find that little devil called doubt creeping in much too often, and find yourself right back into default mode.

Maybe you have awoken to the fact that whenever you settle for less than your hearts desires, it doesn't work out anyway.And maybe just maybe, you finally realize that it will never work because it is not what is meant for you.
I know what it is like..I was stumbling and struggling along for years, just barely making it by financially and emotionally. I was low on the resources of love and money. When I started learning my lessons, taking notice, becoming self-aware, I began to trust myself and the universe to truly take care of me. When I began to trust, I began to let go of the steering wheel, and allow myself to enjoy the ride, putting God in charge of my destination.

After literally bumping my head several times in dangerous car accidents, a few broken hearts, and a starving bank account, I decided it was time to wake up from the trance and start enjoying the dance!

So here is the Truth as I know it.You are encoded for greatness, and by accepting less than your hearts desires, you are not living up to your fullest potential.Now is the time to make a lasting change in your consciousness. You can choose to create a new life with better and happier outcomes.However, if you are divided in your heart or worse yet, an Ego is in charge, this year (and every year henceforth) will turn out much like the last year, disappointing.
ACIM teaches that the ego fears change because it associates it with death/annihilation.So what is your soul to do?Your inner self thrives on learning, change and growth.

Answer: Get Emotional Support and Mentoring.

Whether you receive support from me or someone else, I challenge you to reach out and ask for assistance in your personal evolution. There are many amazingly gifted professionals in the field of emotional healing---try a new modality. See a reiki master, yoga teacher, resonance repatterning practictioner, or personal coach and begin to shift your consciousness, grow your soul, and attract more happiness and success.

About Michelle Casto
Dr. Michelle is a highly sought after speaker and media expert.She speaks to people around the world on subjects ranging from interpersonal relationships, career advancement, life purpose, stress management, success strategies, practical spirituality, and creative life design.
She is the author of the renown Get Smart! book series, dozen of ebooks on life empowerment, and hundreds of articles have been broadly published throughout the internet. She has been featured in publications such as Cosmopolitan, Atlanta Journal Constitution, The Caller Times, and numerous television and radio shows.
She makes time in her busy schedule to work with a small and exclusive coaching clientele, where she teaches an innovative and experiential adult education curriculum designed to help them achieve "everyday enlightenment" and empowers them to become a bright light in the world.
Dr. Michelle has a passion for self-improvement, although she is a firm believer that we must cross the bridge between knowing and doing! That is why her writing, teaching, and coaching style is experiential in nature. She is committed to doing her homework and learning all she can about human potential so she can expand her consciousness and light the path for those she walks with on her journey.


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