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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Joining a Mastermind Group? Be Careful & Avoid Mastermind Groups Making These 7 Mistakes

by Eric Gruber

Yes! Joining mastermind groups played a major factor in building my business from zero to six figures in less than two years. However, I also learned that you have to be choosy otherwise you'll throw away thousands of dollars.
Here Are the Top 7 Mistakes Most Mastermind Groups Make

1. No Quick-Start Guide

As an Internet business entrepreneur looking to build your business, you're already bombarded with "things to do", emails, and promises of multiple ways to grow your business.

Now, add everything that you will get once you join a mastermind group and you will automatically get overwhelmed. Two things will then happen:
- You'll quit and your business will stay stagnant.- You'll try everything at once.

This will result in NOTHING getting done right and again you will NOT see the results you were expecting.

So make sure the mastermind group you choose has a step-by-step guide of how to best benefit from the group.

2. Lack of Focus

Many mastermind group leaders will throw at you dozens of ideas. But the problem is, most people can only implement one idea at a time. So all the other great, business-changing ideas get forgotten about.

That's why in our "Write Your Way to Profits Insiders Circle" we:
- Give NEW article marketing information in "spoon-fed" doses each and every single month.- Review ONE article writing, article marketing or e-commerce topic at a time in a clear, simple way

3. No mixture of top speakers and underground experts

Yes, you want to hear interviews from TOP Internet marketers and entrepreneurs like Yanik Silver, Tom Antion, Alexandria Brown and many others who have proven their expertise. And, yes I have interviewed Bob Bly (America's Greatest Copywriter) and Robert Skrob (President of the Information Marketing Association) on my tele-classes.

But, most well known names teach the same thing over and over again. They're NOT teaching anything new. That's why, in our mastermind group, we also interview "underground" marketers you may not have heard of. But they're in the trenches making things happen every single day. And, every one of them has built a 6 and 7 figure business -- their way. We look at their business structure. We review their articles, ezines, websites, and sales pages. And, we pick them apart, so you can see what really WORKS!

4. Not Enough Support

Even the best entrepreneurs get stuck. Without proper knowledge and support they lose confidence and stop in their tracks. That's why mastermind owners shouldn't stop at just interviewing successful business owners who use proven strategies and resources that work.

That's why we also give members a NEW product each month that will reveal even more insider secrets so they can get a mile ahead of the competition. It could be a new eBook, special report, checklist, video tutorial, or audio program filled with new secrets not covered before. And, we archive every interview and every product on our membership website so you can access it at any time.

5. No Access After the Mastermind Call

You listened to the expert interviews. You've read the transcripts. You've read all of the mastermind materials. But then you have questions and it's not time for your group mastermind session. Or, maybe your session already passed. Now what?

You don't want to wait to get answers to your questions. So make sure unlimited email access is offered, and that you receive emergency-as-you-need-it private coaching calls too!

6. Not holding you accountable

Mastermind groups that truly care about your success will have a system to hold you accountable. This way you stay on track and keep focused no matter how many new ideas pop into your head. And, this way you will be motivated to keep taking the right action to build your business.

7. Failure to Motivate You to Take Immediate Action

If you don't take action on the ideas you discover, what good is joining the mastermind group? That's why each week we give practical mini-homework assignments that are related to that month's featured product or interview. This gives you the chance to put the newly discovered practical skills to use to grow your business.

I know many entrepreneurs who have wasted thousands of dollars on marketing programs and mastermind groups that got them nowhere. Don't make that mistake. Invest in someone to show you the way - the right way - the first time.

About Eric Gruber
With premium article placements on websites like, and Disney's, Article Marketing Expert Eric Gruber can help you generate a massive, targeted Internet publicity campaign resulting in an instant buzz for your YouTube videos. Before you submit your next article, make sure you download Eric's FREE REPORT "How to Choose an Article Submission Service" at


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