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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Justification for Rejecting the Idea of "Economic Disaster"

by Davis Goss

Listening to the experts on the news, we are told that we are in an economic crunch with more hard times ahead. Financial institutions and economists echo this crisis and further amplify the idea of threatening "depression" and/or "recession" depending on their particular point of view. This is THEIR view. I don't agree with them because I choose not to live in their world of perpetual chaos, conflict and confusion. They belong to the "I.E.A." club: "Isn't Everything Awful". I refuse to join!

We live in a world where every situation is challenged by some implied OPPOSITE. Webster defines "OPPOSITES" as, "elements that are so far apart and diverse as to be totally irreconcilable". Dare to accept this natural law of opposites where "true" and "false" cannot be justified to each other. Only one can be true.

This true perspective cancels the old discordant interpretation of reality. It reveals the omnipresence of natural laws and principles that are defined by Webster as, "the creative and controlling forces of the universe". These forces, by their very nature and definition, cannot include any idea of economic imbalance, chaos or corruption. They operate in perpetuity independent of all negative beliefs that would oppose them.

I know how abstract and impractical this seems, and we ask ourselves, "What about the national debt, mass unemployment, corruption, violence at all levels of society, the apparent collapse of the judicial system, and on and on and on"? What about them? Because they cannot, by law, be justified to the true nature of the "controlling forces of the universe", they are, by definition, artificial, fraudulent, unreal appearances and have no more substance and reality than the flat world or the appearance of railroad tracks converging on the horizon.

We can choose to reject any concept that would challenge these natural laws and principles and embrace Einstein's observation that, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew". A problem is the opposite of its answer and, by definition, cannot exist unless that answer or solution was already available.

Unless we are alert to it, the constant rehearsing of economic collapse, or any other negative positions, impacts every facet of our personal, professional, corporate and national mindset. MINDSET is defined by Webster as, "a fixed way of thinking; that which determines and influences events and circumstances". "Events and circumstances" comprise everything we experience in our lives.

The fact that all this is true is academic until you can make it work in YOUR consciousness. Then, and only then, will you prove them to be true and viable in your world of "events and circumstances".It is your responsibility to maintain this mindset and allow the "controlling forces" to express themselves in and as your individual experience. You determine your own circumstances. If you were to focus your efforts on attempting to improve bad economic conditions you would be giving reality to the unreal and contribute to compounding the problem rather than awakening to a solution.

With more than 50 years' experience as a creative consultant, with particular expertise in problem solving, I have proven that nothing exists external to your own individual conscious awareness. The events and circumstances that appear external to you are effects and effects, by law, cannot induce any action of their own. They are not now, never have been and never will be a cause. They are without power or authority and must be rejected as spontaneously as you reject the idea that a mirage will put water on the desert.

From your new altitude of contemplation, there is nothing to improve, adjust, heal or change. "The creative and controlling forces of the universe" are already complete and perfect and you are the full beneficiary of this irreversible law. When the power of these facts impact your inner feeling, watch your "world" change and be in concert with the natural rhythm and balance of the universe!

About Davis Goss
For more than 50 years, Davis Goss has been a creative consultant with particular expertise in problem solving for a widely diverse client base that has included many of the giants of American business. His latest book, "The Science of LIVING BETTER FOREVER", details his unique scientific problem solving techniques that, unlike any other, are based solely on proven scientific laws and principles.


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