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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Power Salesmanship Basics!

by Andy Brown

Most salespeople are terrible at sales. They believe that the secret to their sales success is hard work, and more hard work. Some believe that learning more closes is the answer. The truth is that the only person in the equation who can truly close your customer, is your customer!

If you are not allowing your customer's own subconscious mind to do your work for you, you are swimming upstream, and you working way too hard!

99.9% of all sales is emotion-based, not logic-based. Your customer is going to make their buying decision based on their inner, intangible, and unseen creation of an emotional connection with the buying experience.
Then, and only then, will they begin to use 'logic'. And their logic will be used to rationalize and support their 'emotionally based' decision to buy.

Most salespeople have absolutely no idea of the true, higher-level concept of connection with their customer, how it is created, and what to do with it. They unknowingly stand in the way of their own sales success by not allowing their customers to close themselves. Is this you?

You must create a "safe-harbor" connection with them. They must not only feel like you are just like them, but that you do 'like' them. Everyone wants to feel appreciated, and no one wants to feel judged.

Do you block the connection making process by talking too much while your customer is making their emotional connection? Wouldn't you like to be able to stop doing this?

Would you like to find out more about how you can become a "Power Salesperson!"? Contact me via my website. I will show you how you can sell anything, to anyone, at anytime!

About Andy Brown
Andy Brown is a Professional Speaker and a Master Sales Trainer, with over 20 years experience motivating, training, and transforming people. His "Power Salesmanship" and "Power Change & Motivation" presentations, seminars, and workshops have transformed hundreds of salespeople in every sales industry, from Real Estate, Mortgages, MLM'ers, Home Builders, and more.
As he has done hundreds of times, he will show you how to use your customer's own subconscious mind do your work for you! He will transform you, and your sales force! For more information on retaining his services, visit


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