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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Come Together, People!

by Julie Farha

There's so much fear and negativity these days, mixed with a renewed sense of hope. Emotions are heightened; stress is at its maximum. I have two solutions:

1. Come together.
2. Have some fun!

It's time for us to come together. If we want this current crisis to end, coming together is the answer. It is time of massive change in our world and it's all very new for us. We need to see each other and acknowledged one another. We've been living in our own worlds for far too long.

No man is an island. We're all living here together and it's time we recognized that.

How in the world will coming together keep me from losing my job, my house, my savings, how will it pay my bills or feed my family? By creating community and knowing you aren't in this alone.

It's time to support each other. Not with laws, regulations and mandates but with kindness, compassion and understanding. Say you have lost your job and need to care you're young family.

Perhaps your neighbor offers to share resources such as food, or baby sitting as you look for employment. Maybe he or she puts you in touch with a friend whose children are just older than yours and therefore has loads of gently used clothing that your children could use. Wouldn't that help you through this difficult time?

Maybe your relative has lost their home and doesn't know what to do next. You suggest he or she stay with you until things are sorted. You agree to share resources, everyone chipping in and taking care of all household needs. Sure, your house may be a little crowded and you'll all have to adjust your lifestyles a little but your home will be buzzing with love, caring and support. That is a gift to everyone involved.

What are you willing to do to help another? Share your home or food? Create a neighborhood clearing house for others to exchange goods that are no longer needed? Maybe the clearing house could also include tradesmen and women who can exchange services. We all need something sometime and many are willing to share their talents when needed. They just need to be asked. This is a great solution when finances are tough. When we share items and services, the need for money is greatly decreased.

Next, we need to have a little more fun! What does fun look like to you? Fun doesn't have to cost money. It can be as simple as having friends over for game night and a few munchies. Play with your pets. Go outside and roll around in the grass/snow/leaves. We all need to laugh right now. Laugh as much as possible. Have a dinner club and share meals more often. There are lots of creative ways to have fun. Watch a funny movie or home movies.

Go on a hike with a group of neighbors. Do you even know your neighbors? Get to know them. It's fun! Reconnect with family members. Let go of old issues. Really let go of them. Ask for forgiveness and offer forgiveness. Again, back to the coming together point.

If you're single, you may feel scared and alone. If you have a family, you may feel scared and wonder how you will care for them. Bottom line, folks.... Come together. We are not alone and we don't need to do this alone. Wouldn't a little support boost your spirits and give you hope? It would certainly decrease your stress and give clarity a chance to come through.

By coming together, we strengthen the collective. As a result, we can mitigate the negative impact of challenges and crises. The years to follow will bring many changes and some maybe we've never experienced in our lifetimes. Come together and we can lessen the negativity. Come together and help with the creation of a new world of connection and support. Come together and create this new world out of choice and not necessity. This is how we will navigate these times. And coming together is a whole lot of FUN!

About Julie Farha
Julie Farha is an intuitive, personal coach, speaker and author of Exploring Your Potential; Who am I and what am I doing here? She holds interactive seminars and is available for private sessions and speaking engagements., 480-998-1447


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