The Energy of Peace and Love - Your Greatest Gift
by Rebecca L. Norrington
A Meditation by Panache Desai
Transcribed and shared by Rebecca L. Norrington
April 17, 2013
"Even in the darkest moments the light is always present" - Panache Desai
Sometimes it's hard to reconcile what happens in your life. Tragic occurrences, senseless violence and the loss of innocent life [are difficult to understand]. One cannot help but feel heartbroken, devastated and scared. And everyone of those feelings is valid. There is room for every single one of those emotions.
[Because] it is through our wiliness to remain vulnerable courageous and resilient that we can begin to be open for those experiences so that then we can simply allow them to just simply wash through us.
Your grief is welcome.
Your anger is welcome.
And your fear is welcome.
[You can meditate to find peace within chaos.] [Simply] close your eyes, open your palms, and slowly take long deep cleansing breaths. Invite every energy [emotion and feeling] that you are currently experiencing to simply arise and wash through you. [Know] that being impacted by life is normal. [Know that] it's through the simple act of allowing life's impact to be felt that we [can be] restored to our natural internal state of harmony [and peace].
[This] Life provides you in every moment and in each opportunity to come into completion - to remind us that we are Divine - to remind us that we are loved and held [and to remind us that we are embraced by Grace]. [And at this time, knowing this is more important than at any other time.] Breath and allow everything that is bubbling up within you to just wash through. It's okay.
Love your anger.
Love your confusion.
Love your heartbreak and your grief.
Love and accept all that you experience in each moment because everything that you are feeling and experiencing in this moment is actually serving to set you free. The only antidote for chaos and violence is peace. Breath and feel everything there is to feel so that you can simply just allow yourself to once again be peaceful in the midst of it all.
[Cry and feel] the tears.
[Feel the] fear in your body.
[Feel the emotion of confusion].
Why does the Divine allows these things to happen? How can individuals comment these acts?
Feel the anger that we live in a world that people do not value the sacredness of life itself - [yet].
Ask the Divine Energy to embrace you [and all your feelings]. Also, know that you are not alone in your experience - and that everything you are experiencing is valid.
That it's all okay.
That grace is present.
That peace is available.
You are loved.
You are loved.
You are safe.
[Relax and receive this knowledge. Relax and receive this truth.] [Allow] harmony and balance to be restored completely within you. And by allowing harmony to be restored within you - it will be [felt] in the world - by all people.
Remember that we are all one family and that hurting another we are in truth just hurting ourselves. Allow your heart to open. Connect with the Love that you are and allow Love to guide your actions. Take long deep breaths [and know your nature is peace and love]. You are harmony. Come back into alignment with who you are because the greatest gift you can offer our planet is the gift of YOUR peace.
May peace be with You.
May You be peaceful.
May You serve as an instrument of peace in this world.
I love You.
About Rebecca L. Norrington
Rebecca L. Norrington is first and foremost a student of the Universe and ITs Laws. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, along with decades of education and training on topics from Spirituality to Human Behavior. Her professional journey includes several vocations: Radio Host, Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, and Fitness Instructor. In August 2011, Rebecca premiered RealitySpirituality, an online radio show that shares revolutionary tools and strategies that enable you to maintain and sustain a personal vibration of internal peace and contentment, regardless of your external circumstances. Rebecca loves to focus on everyday circumstances and events and how these circumstances and events align with our personal vibration. Rebecca's RealitySpirituality audience has grown rapidly and currently has thousands of listeners around the world. Rebecca has a clear vision of hosting RealitySpirituality on the OWN network.
RealitySpirituality can be heard LIVE every Sunday at 7:00 AM (PST).
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