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Tuesday, August 14, 2007


excerpt from Attitude Alignment: The Art of Getting What You Want

The most effective place we can break in is at the thought level, rather than at the behavioral or the emotional levels.

Thoughts have been considered of utmost importance for many centuries by the great philosophers. "I think, therefore I am." We know that there are common phrases - what goes around comes around or what you put out comes back - which apply not only to behaviors, but are especially applicable to thoughts as well. Everything we think reaches out into the world, carrying its effects in powerful ways, far beyond what we might imagine.

In becoming a TurnAround Specialist, we are ready to see just how our thoughts so often have much more of an effect than what is actually said or done with people, both in our work and in our personal relationships. How you perceive somebody (you think of them as attractive or unattractive) - that is a thought.

Attitudes are born of our thoughts, and the level of emotion stimulated by the thought causes the vibrations that reach out into our world. The attitudes we carry actually influence and determine our experience with a person or an event. In fact, all communication begins with a thought and energetically vibrates out from the attitude, which is formed from the thought.
The decision you make about that thought becomes your attitude, and energetically it is constantly in motion, whether you mean for it to be or not. The more emotion there is attached to the thought, the stronger the vibration and the more it has the capacity to be felt, both by the sender and the receiver of the vibration.

When you perceive someone as kind or unkind, you have a thought that stimulates an emotion, which then becomes an attitudinal vibe. This will completely determine how you will then interact with that person, and they with you. Regardless of whether or not the person who you are communicating with is cognizant of the vibes they are getting from you, they will in fact have an energetic response.

The more conscious a person is about their own attitudes toward another, and mindful about the vibes they are sending off, the more they can intentionally decide exactly how they want to effect that person, and thus a desired outcome. By the same token, the more conscious a person is about the vibes being sent to them, or what may feel to be AT them, the more they can be mindful and elective about what they choose to do with their response.

Our perceptions are never truly objective, for perception is a result of all of the decisions we've made about our world since our earliest memories. When our thoughts give rise to an emotion, based on a perception and a decision about an experience, we vibrate an energy created from the attitude we've held in the past, and probably nursed, cursed and rehearsed ever since. We see people as opposed to us (or abusing us, giving it to us or depriving us) OR we see them as loving and nurturing. How we perceive them, and what we think about them, generates an expectation, an attitude, a vibration, which then can virtually determine the outcome.

©2003 Written by: Mary Robinson Reynolds

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