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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Focusing On What Matters Most

by Robert Stuberg

The purpose of focusing on what matters most is to bring more value to your life. By focusing on what matters most, I don't necessarily mean your work or career. It could be that both your personal and professional lives are aligned perfectly and you are energized by your work. That's great! But, let's step back and ask the question, "What matters most to you?" Does what you are doing right now matter the most to you?

Do you find that you are not exactly sure what matters the most to you? Perhaps you have even accepted the pre-scripted conditions of your family or your corporation and, through repetition, mistaken them for your own. If you feel your life is drifting along without a sense of purpose and have a nagging feeling that you are meant to do something more with your life, do not despair.
You can begin focusing on what matters most to you by asking, "What is your life's purpose?" What is a life's purpose? I like to explain it this way: A life's purpose is your inspiration. It's the motivation behind your actions. It's the force that not only leads you to realizing your dreams, but also provides a context for making your dreams come true.

Obviously, if you've never considered these questions, it can seem intimidating to consider a new path. But, I promise you, if you have the courage to bring more value to your life it will also add to your happiness. There is a short test you can take to help you focus on what matters most to you, starting with the actions steps below:

1) Ask, "What matters most to me?"

These are areas where you feel you should be spending the most time. Some examples could be career, health, family, religion or any other area of life. Group the areas, starting with what you value most to what you value the least.

2) Group your current activities under each heading.

Write your current activities in each area as they occur in a given week.

3) Make a second list of the same areas.
Write your activities or ideal activities under each area as they would ideally occur, in a given week.

4) Compare lists.

Are the lists the same or different? If they are different, think about the how you can bring your activities closer to the areas you value most in your life.
At this point, you've have just begun a wonderful journey. You have placed more value upon your life and generated positive momentum.

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