Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life
by Gini Grey
What you believe about yourself and your world will determine what you create in your life. Beliefs are not good or bad, right or wrong. They can be supportive or limiting. They are either reflections of your deeper truth supporting you to blossom, or they are lies limiting you from being and experiencing all that you are.
Beliefs can stem from family, societal and cultural conditioning, or they may crop up out of pleasant or unpleasant experiences in our life. They are basically a string of ideas and thoughts that create a foundation for our life. This foundation leads us to our present and future perspectives, attitudes, reactions, choices and behaviors. Much like how the foundation of a house will influence whether the structure ends up being strong and sturdy or flimsy and destructible, our beliefs will lead us to empowering and wonderful experiences or to limiting and frustrating ones.
You can often tell what a person's beliefs are by looking at their life. If they are satisfied and fulfilled in their relationships, career, health, finances and so on, they most likely have supportive, truthful beliefs. What does your life tell you about your beliefs?
Try this exercise to change your limiting beliefs into supportive beliefs:
* Reflect over the various areas of your life to see how satisfied and fulfilled you are in each area. What do you think affects your satisfaction in each of these areas?
* With each area of your life that you feel fully satisfied, write down your underlying beliefs that support you in this creation. For example, if you are happy with your finances you may discover that you carry beliefs that the world is abundant, that you are competent at earning money, or that money is simply an exchange of energy and so on.
* With each area of your life that you are not satisfied with, write down on a separate sheet of paper your underlying limiting beliefs. Dig as deep as you can within yourself. For example, if you are not happy in a relationship, you may believe that good partners are hard to find, or that you are unlovable or not attractive or good enough etc. Know that all of these are just lies.
* Look at the sheet of paper which lists your supportive beliefs and read them over. Close your eyes and notice how you feel holding these beliefs. How do you feel physically? What thoughts are coming up for you? What emotions do you feel? Do you feel connected to your true self? How do you see your life unfolding through these beliefs?
* Look at the sheet of paper which lists your limiting beliefs and read them over. Close your eyes and notice how you feel holding these beliefs. How do you feel physically? What are your thoughts like? What emotions are being stirred? Do you feel connected to your true self? How do you see your life unfolding through these beliefs?
* Go over the list of limiting beliefs and make a decision whether you want to let each of these go or not. Remember, they are just a string of thoughts you have invested in. For the ones you are ready to release, cross them out and then replace them by writing more truthful beliefs on your supportive sheet. Tear up or burn the limiting belief sheet as a way of completely letting those untruths go. Each day read over your supportive beliefs to help integrate them into your consciousness.
About Gini Grey
Gini Grey, founder of Celebrate YourSelf, is a Transformational Coach utlizing a powerful blend of coaching, counseling and spiritual energy awareness tools to guide people to live from their center and create the life they want. Gini is the author of the book "From Chaos to Calm: How to Shift Unhealthy Stress Patterns and Create Your Ideal Balance in Life" and the audo CD "Create What You Want in Your Life". For more information or articles, visit
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